About Us
Bill and Cindy have been helping others learn about safety and weapons for several years. Bill has been shooting and helping others for over 40 years, and Cindy is newer at this and has been shooting for 12 years. Both are certified in teaching the latest methods of instruction and now even train instructors!
We are proud to be certified instructors for USCCA, which stands for the United States Concealed Carry Association. USCCA believes in first preparing your mind for the awesome responsibility of carrying a firearm, then preparing your body to remember how to use that firearm effectively. We then suggest you protect your future with the most trusted legal protection available for gun owners.
We have strong backgrounds in other shooting disciplines which help us to weave the best of these to your benefit. Some of these other disciplines include the NRA, which is the longest standing name in training. Bill is a Chief RSO (he can train Range Safety Officers) and we are both certified NRA instructors as well as both certified to train "Inside the Home Protection". Bill can also teach "NRA Defensive" and "Outside the Home Protection" as well. Cindy is also a certified "The Well-Armed Woman" (TWAW) instructor.
Bill Hall
USCCA Certifications:
Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals, Women's Handgun and Self-Defense, Countering the Mass Shooter, Emergency First Aid Fundamentals.
Also a Certified USCCA Training Counselor to train you to be a USCCA Instructor
NRA Certifications: Basic Pistol, Personal Protection In the Home, Personal Protection Outside the Home, Defensive Pistol and Chief Range Safety Officer
Cindy Semenik-Hall
USCCA Certifications: Concealed Carry and Home Defense, Women’s Handgun Self-Defense, Countering the Mass Shooter, Emergency First Aid Fundamentals
The Well Armed Woman: Certified Instructor
NRA Certifications:
Basic Pistol, Personal Protection in the Home, Range Safety Officer